Ros FM Arts Show
The Arts Show on Ros FM will feature an extensive interview with sound artist Danny Mc Carthy
by the presenter artist Noel Molloy on Wed 23RD Dec at 7.30 PM..The show can be heard online at and can only be heard live as the shows are not archived.
The Cork Sound Mafia
On tonight’s edition of NOVA presented by Bernard Clarke at 9PM there will be interviews by three Cork sound artists Mick O’Shea will be talking about the new release by ANEAR Productions of Sonic Vigil 4,Paul Hegarty will be talking about his book Noise/Music (A History) and Danny Mc Carthy will be talking about the CD he recently curated for Art Trail 2009 entitled “Rediscovering Locality (A Sonology Of Cork Sound Art +).This show can be heard live but will also be archived and available immediately online. Listen
Both CDs are available from
