The Quiet Club and crOw, two of Ireland’s most innovative improvising duos, are touring together as a quartet for the first time.
In December 2015 Ireland’s leading sound art collective The Quiet Club joined forces with crOw, one of the country’s most innovative improvising duos, to make a CD recording called ‘As the quiet crow flies’. This CD was released on Farpoint Recordings in summer 2016 (This is a great work of improvised music from a more unusual perspective - Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly) and, having enjoyed working together so much, the two duos agreed that
performing as a quartet in a tour around the country is something we wanted to do.
Having made a successful application to the Arts Council for a Touring Award, the two duos will perform together in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford and Carrick-on-Shannon
between February 28th and March 23rd this year.
The Quiet Club is an internationally-acclaimed duo consisting of Danny McCarthy and Mick O’Shea, who use a range of analogue and digital electronic devices to produce sound art of great beauty and subtlety. crOw is an improvising duo incorporating saxophonist Cathal Roche and Ian Wilson on laptop, e-guitar and sound objects - this duo has a particularinterest in spatializing sound and responding to acoustic and architectural properties of the
spaces it performs in; audiences are invited to wander around during performances. When the two duos perform together, the result is a unique combination of influences and
approaches; naturally, every tour performance will be different and tailored to a particular venue and audience.
For further information please contact Ian Wilson on
A promotional video for the tour can be viewed here:
Excerpts from CD:
28.02 Galway-Mayo IT, 11am [Centre for Creative Arts & Media]: promoted and organised
by Music for Galway in association with GMIT CCA&M
28.02 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Building, Ballybrit, Galway, 3pm: promoted and
organised by Music for Galway in association with HPE Galway
02.03 Ormston House, Limerick, 8pm (in association with with DMARC, U.L.)
03.03 FUAIM series, Aula Maxima, University College, Cork, 1.10pm
09.03 Waterford New Music Week, Tully’s Bar, Waterford, 1pm
19.03 ‘Sundays at Noon’ series, Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, Dublin, 12pm
23.03 The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon, 8.30pm
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