Sonic Vigil 10
Sonic Vigil 10 took place in St Peters church on a wet and windy Saturday from 2pm to 8pm. Some amazing sounds were made and some great performances were seen and heard. A big thank you to the very large audience that cam and went and stayed also to my fellow curators Irene Murphy, Mick O'Shea, Karen Power and John Godfrey. Whilst the programme selecting the artists to play at any given time and for how long was randomly generated it definitely had a sense of humour when shortly after the start it selected the three percussionists to play together making an altogether very interesting mix.
Sonic Vigil 10 took place in St Peters church on a wet and windy Saturday from 2pm to 8pm. Some amazing sounds were made and some great performances were seen and heard. A big thank you to the very large audience that cam and went and stayed also to my fellow curators Irene Murphy, Mick O'Shea, Karen Power and John Godfrey. Whilst the programme selecting the artists to play at any given time and for how long was randomly generated it definitely had a sense of humour when shortly after the start it selected the three percussionists to play together making an altogether very interesting mix.
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