Telephone Artline
I curated this project for the Sculptors Society Of Ireland in the days long before the internet. It was part of an International Sculpture Symposium '88 organised by SSI. It was my second such project having previously organised one for the First International Sound Art Festival in Triskel Arts Centre the previous year.
The first one consisted of ringing a number and being able to hear an artwork on an answering machine. This meant it could start anywhere depending on where the previous caller hung up but for the new one Telecom Eireann were just introducing their digital technology and used this project as a test project enabling every caller to hear the works from the start.
All contributing artists were paid by SSI and the commissioned works form part of my archive. The original one in Triskel was released as a cassette. I wonder if many are still around. They must surely be a collectors item of value by now being around since 1987.
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