“Site Of Sound” with The Quiet Club and Guests continue on their sonic pilgrimage of  East Cork with their “Three Church’s Tour” taking in three of the most iconic building’s in the East Cork area.

Next on the tour on Saturday 3rd Sept. at 8pm sees them return to Holy Trinity Church, East Ferry, Midleton the site of the very successful original series of “Site Of Sound” .This totally unique building is powered by gaslight and has beautiful stained glass windows and its own fabulous acoustics. Here they will be joined by the composer and technologist Jeffrey Weeter and movement artist and Artistic Director of Greywood Arts Jessica Bonenfant Coogan along with their regular guest the sound artist Irene Murphy.

This promises to be a very unique event as with the evenings closing the gaslight will have to be used to full effect to light the venue.

The final venue of the tour on Saturday Sept 10th at 3pm is St Coleman’s Cathedral, Cloyne once the seat of the infamous philosopher and writer Bishop Berkley “If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound ?”. This incredible old world structure offers up totally unique sonic opportunities and here they will be joined by Inma Pavon Dance Company and special guests are Katie O’Looney and Andy Ingamells.

Listening is at the core of The Quiet Club’s practice and their work is totally free improvisation which always returns to “listening” as its core. Regarded as one of Ireland’s leading sound art/improvisation groups they have performed all over the world and have numerous CDs and other releases. Their work is available from www.farpointrecordings.com

Each venue offers its own unique sonic personality and the audiences are encouraged to move around the spaces thus creating their very own sonic experience. The concerts are of free improvised music and sound art as such can never be repeated. Advanced booking is advised but not essential.

Enquiries and booking soundoutin@gmail.com or 0872403940

The events are supported by Cork County Council. Dept. of Tourism, Culture, Arts ,Gaeltacht, Sport, Media, LLPPS, Midleton Arts Festival.

#soundart #improvisation #slowlistening #sonicart #artontour #justlisten 

Some photos from St Michael and All Angles Church Corkbeg 

