Memory Echo
Soundtrack and Film

 Delighted and extreemly honoured to share a track on this wonderful new release “Soundtracks for Andrew Deutsch” by Stephen Vitiello. Our track “Memory Echo (for Pauline Oliveros)” is the soundtrack for Andrew’s film with Pauline Oliveros. It was recorded high up in the belfry of the forty nine bell carillon of St Coleman’s Cathedral in Cobh with the kind permission of the cathedral carillonist Adrian Gebruers .It appears on the esteemed Room 40 label run by Laurence English one of the leading labels in the world for sound art and improvisation. Ordering and more information here

More about the film from Andrew which will be shown at Sonic Vigil in Cork Opera House in September

I asked Pauline to improvise a short piece, then perform it from memory.
In the moment after the first improv she decided to perform the memory
without her accordion. The intention was to have one performance echoed
by another from memory.then I would mix those.  But her second
performance was silent with no accordion and that seemed the most
interesting and then you guys added sound
